Nintendo Switch

Last Bloody Snack

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Dive into Last Bloody Snack: Escape the Monster, Confront Your Demons.

Last Bloody Snack invites players into the disturbed mind of Cody, immersing them in his distressing narrative. Tormented by psychological demons, Cody's journey unfolds in a dark and atmospheric adventure where players must guide him through the dangerous corridors of his haunted home. The game's intense narrative delves into the psychological horror genre as Cody confronts a monstrous entity fueled by an insatiable hunger for revenge.

Solve Puzzles, Confront Demons
As players step into Cody's shoes, they find themselves in a race against time to escape the clutches of the relentless monster. The game environment, once a place Cody called home, transforms into a treacherous labyrinth full of intricate puzzles and hidden passages. To survive, players must help Cody uncover the secrets binding him to this nightmare reality. Atmospheric tension builds with every step, creating an immersive experience where fear, survival, and self-discovery intertwine.

Descrição fornecida pela empresa responsável pelo software.

Last Bloody Snack

Classificação Indicativa


Modos de jogo compatíveis




Informações do produto

Data de lançamento

6 de abril de 2024

Número de jogadores


Modos de jogo compatíveis

Modo TV, Modo semiportátil, Modo portátil

Tamanho do arquivo do jogo

303 MB

Idiomas compatíveis

Espanhol, Inglês, Italiano

Jogue online, acesse os jogos clássicos do NES™ e Super NES™, e muito mais com uma assinatura Nintendo Switch Online.

Este jogo é compatível com:Dados salvos na nuvem

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Nintendo Switch Pro Controller