Nintendo Switch

Escape First Alchemist

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First-person adventure game, playable solo or co-op with up to 4 people. Solve riddles of a reclusive alchemist that trapped you in his workshop.

Escape first: Alchemist is a multiplayer first person escape room / adventure game, where you play as the apprentices of the reclusive sorceror-alchemist "Trismegistus". Your benevolent master managed to trap himself in a prison of his own making, and has bestowed upon you the challenge of releasing him. Of course, to make sure you don't just run away from his cunning riddles, he deigned fit to trap you as well...

Find ingredients and discover new potion recipes. Craft unique potions and gain the powers you need to escape.
Solve numerous interactive puzzles using logic, observation and communication.
Search the workshop for artifacts, inspect them carefully and find all missing clues!

A fully voice acted 'Master' who begs you to release him but doesn't stop pestering you about your every action.
Play with up to 4 people to cooperate, or race to the end to see who can solve the puzzles first
Craft potions from recipes found throughout the game with various effects
Explore a unique workshop inspired by real alchemical history, with a fantasy twist!

Descrição fornecida pela empresa responsável pelo software.

Escape First Alchemist

Classificação Indicativa

Modos de jogo compatíveis




Informações do produto

Data de lançamento

22 de fevereiro de 2024

Classificação Indicativa

Modos de jogo compatíveis

Modo TV, Modo semiportátil, Modo portátil

Tamanho do arquivo do jogo

1.9 GB

Idiomas compatíveis

Alemão, Espanhol, Francês, Inglês

Jogue online, acesse os jogos clássicos do NES™ e Super NES™, e muito mais com uma assinatura Nintendo Switch Online.

Este jogo é compatível com:Partida onlineDados salvos na nuvem

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Nintendo Switch Pro Controller