Cost and delivery time may vary depending on the delivery address.
Delivery to: | Costs (Standard) | Delivery time (max.) |
Germany | £3,60 | 1-2 days from date of shipment |
France | £6,25 | 3-4 days from date of shipment |
Spain (excluding Canary islands) | £8,90 | 4-5 days from date of shipment |
Portugal | £8,90 | 4-5 days from date of shipment |
Italy | £8,90 | 3-4 days from date of shipment |
Austria | £6,25 | 2-3 days from date of shipment |
The Netherlands | £6,25 | 2-3 days from date of shipment |
Belgium | £6,25 | 2-3 days from date of shipment |
Great Britain | £8,90 | 2-3 days from date of shipment |
Czech Republic | £8,90 | 2-3 days from date of shipment |
Denmark | £8,90 | 2-3 days from date of shipment |
Finland | £13,40 | 4-5 days from date of shipment |
Greece | £13,40 | 6-8 days from date of shipment |
Ireland | £13,40 | 3-4 days from date of shipment |
Luxemburg | £8,90 | 2-3 days from date of shipment |
Norway | £13,40 | 4-5 days from date of shipment |
Poland | £11,60 | 2-3 days from date of shipment |
Bulgaria | £13,40 | 4-5 days from date of shipment |
Croatia | £13,40 | 2-3 days from date of shipment |
Cyprus | £13,40 | 3-9 days from date of shipment |
Estonia | £13,40 | 3-4 days from date of shipment |
Hungary | £11,60 | 3-4 days from date of shipment |
Latvia | £13,40 | 3-4 days from date of shipment |
Lithuania | £13,40 | 3-4 days from date of shipment |
Malta | £13,40 | 4-6 days from date of shipment |
Slovenia | £11,60 | 3-4 days from date of shipment |
Romania | £13,40 | 3-4 days from date of shipment |
Slovak Republic | £11,60 | 3-4 days from date of shipment |
Sweden | £8,90 | 3-4 days from date of shipment |
The My Nintendo Store is where you can buy systems, bundles, clothing, toys, accessories or packaged versions of games. The store is independent from Nintendo eShop and comes with its own shopping basket and payment options.