JALECOlle Famicom Ver. Pinball Quest
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Introducing ”JALECOlle Famicom Ver.” a project to release a series of Jaleco's Famicom titles! The first title is "Pinball Quest"!
★Enjoy the thrilling and exhilarating pinball controls combined with an RPG storyline in this pinball action game!
※ This title includes both the Japanese and overseas versions in a 2-in-1 package.
The main mode is the quest mode 'R.P.G.' which incorporates novel ideas and systems as a pinball game. Additionally, you can play on three diverse tables: 'POP! POP!', 'VIVA! GOLF' and 'CIRCUS'.
★R.P.G. Mode
Control the protagonist, Ball-kun, and rescue a princess who is trapped at the top of the castle!
There are 6 stages in total. Earn points and collect gold to purchase stoppers and flippers at the "Black Market" midway through stages. These upgrades can increase your attack power or create advantageous conditions on the table. Enjoy the enhancement elements unique to RPGs as you defeat bosses in each stage and aim for the top floor.
Pinball Quest
★Ball-kun's Wallet Status
A new feature that visualizes the amount of gold (score) you have. Gold is obtained by defeating enemies or hitting bumpers and is used for shopping at the Dark Shop. Keep track of Ball-kun's wallet status and earn the necessary gold to buy the items you want!
JALECOlle Common
★User-friendly Features for Beginners
Now includes "Rewind" to quickly undo mistakes with intuitive controls and "Quick Save & Load" to save and resume the game at any time.
★Convenient Subtitle Guide
The "Adventure Hints" feature displays tips for smooth adventures and the "Subtitle Guide" function explains the effects of items in stores and other locations.
An English Translation is also included for the Japanese version, allowing you to play the Japanese version in English.
A Japanese Translation is also included for the overseas (English) version, allowing you to play the English version in Japanese.
★Record Your Best Time
Now includes a "Simple Timer" to record the time from the beginning of the adventure to the defeat of the final boss.
You can aim for your best time while using Quick Save. Take on the challenge seriously without any rescue features. Record your best time!
★Packed with many more enjoyable features and options!
Now includes new achievements to challenge various in-game objectives.
Explore the gallery page to view package designs, manuals, flyers and more from the original releases.
Screen edge options to reduce screen distortion.
Screen filter options.
Wallpaper options.
Pause display options.
☆Additional Content: Good Luck Championship
The "Fastest Attack on the Ghost Soldier" has been added, where you race to break the grave of the past hero and talk to him from the start of Stage 1. You can watch the latest fastest run again in the replay. Challenge your personal best. Good luck!
Descrição fornecida pela empresa responsável pelo software.
Informações do produto
Data de lançamento
Número de jogadores
Classificação Indicativa
Modos de jogo compatíveis
Tamanho do arquivo do jogo
Idiomas compatíveis
Jogue online, acesse os jogos clássicos do NES™ e Super NES™, e muito mais com uma assinatura Nintendo Switch Online.
Este jogo é compatível com:Dados salvos na nuvem
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