27 July 2022

Free content update for Nintendo Switch Sports arriving 27 July

Kick summer into gear with a Nintendo Switch Sports update that adds Leg Strap compatibility for Soccer matches, along with other new features.

For players who have already been enjoying Nintendo Switch Sports on Nintendo Switch, and for those who have yet to try it, there’s new content on the way that’s sure to kick things up a notch. Beginning on 27 July, a free software update is available that adds a number of new features to the game – including updates for Soccer, and Volleyball. Check out the new trailer below.

After applying the update, players will be able to use a Joy-Con controller and the Leg Strap accessory (included with the physical version of the game, and also available to purchase separately) in full Four-on-Four and One-on-One Football matches. Using the Leg Strap, budding footballers can use a kicking motion in real life, allowing the game to turn those movements into in-game actions. Likewise, you can sprint in the game by moving your hands, as if jogging on the spot.

The update isn’t just for Leg Strap players, though. New moves called the Slide Attack and Rocket Serve have been added to Volleyball.
Stay tuned for more information in the future about the next free content update coming in autumn, which will add Golf to the roster of playable sports.

Find out more about the game at our Nintendo Switch Sports gamepage.
