about What is Fire Emblem?

Our tale begins with the Shadow Dragon, the blade Falchion, and the Fire Emblem.

Over the years, the name "Fire Emblem" has become
synonymous with the strategy role-playing genre. 
The first entry in this long-running series,
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, 
begins with the words you see to the left.

As the name implies, 
the goal of a strategy role-playing game is
to build characters to play specific tactical roles
and then deploy them strategically 
to overcome challenges.

One distinctive feature of Fire Emblem is that 
the units at the player's command are not disposable or interchangeable—
each has a unique name, appearance, and character.
This encourages players to become invested in their units' survival, 
and thus rethink their approach to strategic battles.

The focus on character-building gives rise to all kinds of interesting stories. 
Players may feel joy to see a formerly weak character grow through countless trials by fire, surprise when one character's skills unexpectedly prove decisive in a tense situation, or gratitude for a silver-tongued character's ability to convince a formidable foe to switch sides.

All of these and more are made possible
when every unit on the battlefield is a unique person.
As players grow more attached to their characters,
they also become motivated to experiment
with ever deeper and more complex strategies
to make sure their favorites survive and thrive.

That is the essence of Fire Emblem: 
a deep love of unique characters driving an invested and thoughtful approach to strategy. 
The first incarnation of this vision was 
a game about a war-torn world of medieval fantasy 
that captured the hearts of a generation of strategy role-playing game fans.

"Our tale begins with the Shadow Dragon, the blade Falchion, and the Fire Emblem."

At its heart, every Fire Emblem story revolves around three concepts, 
all seen in this iconic quote from the first game: 
a dragon, a blade, and the Fire Emblem itself. 
Though the series has expressed that story in many different ways, 
often experimenting with new game mechanics at the same time, 
the goal has always been to delight new and veteran players alike 
with the core elements established in the series debut.

Despite its humble beginnings, Fire Emblem has blossomed over the years into an international sensation, 
spurred onward by the love of fans around the world. 
While each new entry in the series may bring new and unfamiliar challenges, 
players can feel confident that their need for a smart and emotional adventure will be met. 
This series was built on a dragon, a sword, and the Fire Emblem—
and it will always honor its roots.