How to Sign Out of a Nintendo Account
Instructions on signing out of a Nintendo Account on a PC or smart device.
If you wish to remove your Nintendo Account from a Nintendo Switch, please see How to Unlink a Nintendo Account From a Nintendo Switch Console.
If you want to choose a different Nintendo Switch console as your primary Nintendo Switch console, please see How to Deregister a Primary Nintendo Switch Console.
Additional Information:
If multiple people use your smart device or PC, make sure to sign out of all accounts that may be linked to a Nintendo Account (such as Apple or Google). Otherwise, the browser may still remember you as being signed in on your device.
What to Do:
To sign out of your Nintendo Account via your browser, visit
Once you are signed in to a Nintendo Account, select your nickname in the top-right corner to open the drop-down menu.
Click "Sign Out" to sign out of your Nintendo Account.
To sign out from multiple devices and browsers, visit, go to “Sign-In and Security Settings” in your profile, then select “View” to see your Sign-In History. You can sign out of all devices or select specific devices that you’ve visited in the past 30 days.
If you have linked a social network service to your Nintendo Account, make sure that the PC or smart device is signed out of those as well.
For Google and/or Apple ID - go to the site(s) you have linked to your Nintendo Account, and sign out of them individually. If you do not know how to sign out of a specific website, please visit its help area for assistance.
If you need assistance signing back in, please see How to Sign In to a Nintendo Account.