Boyfriend Dungeon
Boyfriend Dungeon Packshot

Boyfriend Dungeon

Date your weapons!
Sexual References
Capture the hearts of swords to level them up in this “shack-and-slash” dungeon crawling adventure. Date up to seven weapons, from dancing swords to heart-piercing daggers. For your summer job, you’re tasked with clearing the creatures in “the dunj”. Soon you discover weapons you find transform into cuties… and they’re SINGLE! (What a craaazy coincidence because you also happen to be up for grabs yourself.) - Inclusive, tasteful approach to gender and sexuality - male, female, and non-binary romance. - Generated action-combat dunj and challenges! Stay sharp! Spend the cash you earn on romantic outings to forge precious moments with your lovers and work together to clear the rampant monster infestations, because after all, a couple that slays together, stays together.

Game specifications

Release date12/8/2021
GenreRole-Playing Game, Action, Adventure, Simulation
No. of players1 player
Game file size2.28GB
PublisherKitfox Games
Supported languagesJapanese, French, German, Russian, Chinese (Simplified), Portuguese, English

Supported play modes

TV mode
Tabletop mode
Handheld mode

Software compatibility and play experience may differ on Nintendo Switch Lite. Additional accessories may be required (sold separately). See support for details.

This game supports the following features:


A paid membership to Nintendo Switch Online is required to use the Save Data Cloud. Find out more about the paid membership subscription.

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