Nintendo Switch

Go off the beaten path with these offbeat rides!

When you’re looking to arrive in style, how do you roll up? Are you the limo type? Maybe you prefer two wheels instead of four. Oh—or do you like showing up on a large flying contraption?! Okay, so that last one is a bit strange, to say the least. But in these games, sometimes it takes a different type of vehicle to get from point A to point B.


Get ready for thrillin’ drillin’ with Grinder, Pepper’s trusty sidearm. This super-powered drilling device can take Pepper for a ride, burrowing through terrain, water…and yes, even enemies.

Appears in: Pepper Grinder

Build your own!

Using the Ultrahand ability, Link can pick up, move, and rotate objects. He can even attach things together to create bridges, vehicles, and more!


This space pup is loyal, protective, and un-fur-gettable. Resident good boy and capable canine, Oatchi can lend a paw in exploration and travel for you and your Pikmin.

Appears in: Pikmin™ 4

Car-Mouth Kirby

If you’re chomping at the bit for adventure, Kirby’s got you covered! With Mouthful Mode, Kirby can inhale and transform into different objects, like—oh, let’s say, a car!

Dead End Express

Quickly get around or smash through enemies when you hop aboard this chainsaw-like weapon. Need a bit more oomph? Borrow some power to take on a demonic form. Choo choo!

Appears in: Bayonetta™ 3

Go for a ride in…